Calm Down Jar
Lavender Play Dough
Meditation for Kids
Breathing Techniques
Read a book
Go for a walk
Go for a Run
Walk backwards
Jump Rope
Do push-ups
Do sit-ups
Organize your sock drawer
Clean the bathroom tub
Re-organize your canned goods
Play with dirt
Eat Peanut Butter (unless you are allergic!)
Tear some paper
Play music
Chew food slowly -25 times per bite
Play with water
Re-Pot a Plant
Write the alphabet backwards
Sort the laundry
Organize CD’s
Chew ice
Bike ride
Google Comedians
Organize the spice cupboard
Write a poem
Play with Legos
Rearrange your furniture
Color with Crayons
Wash your hair
Do your nails
Read a joke book
Do a crossword puzzle
Play a musical instrument
Go outside and touch the grass ( snow, leaves or jump in the puddles)
Shred a piece of fabric with your hands
Try to walk with a book on your head
Match the socks
Call someone you like
Clean under your bed
Be a statue
Do a difficult math problem (or review your multiplication tables)
Do Soduko
Bake cookies
Play with Play dough
Play with dry rice
Glue a macaroni picture
Punch paper with a hole puncher
Bang a drum (or pots and pans)
Sing loudly
Paint by numbers
Do a maze
Press flowers in a big book
Pop bubble wrap
Braid Yarn
Google 5 recipes you have always wanted to try
Pet your pet
Study a map
Look up the Guinness book of World Records
Smell the spices in your cupboard
Create an invention
Count the windows on your home
Count the light switches in your home
Count the electrical outlets in your home
Clean out your old clothes
Do the Rosary, or prayer beads, or worry beads
Vacuum every corner of your home
Teach your dog a new trick
Research what type of pet you would like
Read a classic book
Listen to cheesy pop music
Roll your feet over a cold can of pop/or bottle of water (do not open!) or use a tennis ball
Brush and floss your teeth
Make a vision board
Play the alphabet game
Spell your name backwards
Draw with a blindfold on
Itemize your collections
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